Franklin park tennis association

Uniting Family and the Community Through the Sport of Tennis

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Tennis Programs - Free Indoor Tennis Programs

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Tennis For Everyone provides free lessons for kids and ​adults in a family friendly format. It is intended for:

* Youth ages 7+ (beginner & intermediate)

* Beginner adults that are new to FPTA.

If you are not a beginner adult or new to FPTA, but cannot ​afford to participate in our other programs, please reach out ​to us by email and we will work with you.

We are looking for participants who are motivated and can ​attend regularly. We have limited space and time during the ​indoor season - please don't take a spot if you aren't going to ​take it seriously. We understand that you may want to give it ​a try and we encourage you to do so, but please let us know ​if you decide the program is not a fit for you.

Please note: You may not register for both Free Lessons and ​Tennis Skills & Drills

Indoor Tennis Programs - Skills & Games

Designed for beginner and intermediate players. - ​FPTA provides this low-cost program to our ​community to increase participation in tennis for ​non-traditional players and to eliminate financial ​barriers for those who would not be able to afford ​tennis. While everyone is welcome, for those of you ​who have other playing options and/or have the ​financial resources, we hope that you will consider ​making a donation to help support our efforts.

Advanced players: Our programs are designed as ​instructional programs, however we understand ​that there are not many options for indoor play. We ​will accommodate your participation as much as we ​can, however engaging new and developing players ​is the priority.

Youth Players (Age 12+): Participate for Free!! We ​want to encourage our youth as much as we can. ​We are looking for participants who are motivated ​and can attend regularly. We have limited space ​and time during the indoor season.

Please note: You may not register for both Free ​Lessons and Tennis Skills & Drills

$105 Fridays Only

$90 Sundays Only

$195 Fridays & Sundays

Payment links will be sent within a couple days of ​registration by email.

If you would like to participate, but have financial ​concerns, please contact us and we will work with ​you!

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Tennis Programs - Fast Track Tennis

Fast Track Tennis is intended for

  • players making a commitment to learn tennis and play better tennis
  • players looking for a consistent group of players to learn with

Please note: Adults may not enroll in both the free lessons and the Fast Track Program. Youth ages 12-21 are encouraged to participate as much as possible, thanks to support from DCR's Summer Nights Program.

Adults: If you do not fit into the free program, but cannot afford the Fast Track Program, please call or email us and we will see how we can help.

Tennis Programs - Free Tennis Programs

Free lessons are intended for:

  • beginners looking to give tennis a try without a commitment
  • new players who want more opportunities to work on their skills
  • players returning to tennis who want to brush up on the basics

Please note: Adults may not enroll in both the free lessons and the Fast Track Program. Youth ages 12-21 are encouraged to participate as much as possible, thanks to support from DCR's Summer Nights Program.

Adults: If you do not fit into the free program, but cannot afford the Fast Track Program, please call or email us and we will see how we can help.